E (6) ———————————
A (5) –2–5–5–5–5—————-
D (4) ——————–2–2–2–2–
G (3) ———————————-
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
I know I stand in line until you
E (6) ———————————————
A (5) —————————-5—————-
D (4) –4–4–4–4–5–5–4——–2–2–5–4-
G (3) ———————————————-
B (2) ———————————————–
E (1) ———————————————–
think you have the time to spend an evening with me
E (6) ———————————
A (5) –5——————————
D (4) ——2–2–2–2–4–4–4–4–
G (3) ———————————-
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
And if we go some place to dance
E (6) ——————————————-
A (5) —————————5—————
D (4) –5–5–5–5–4–5–4——2–2–4–2-
G (3) ——————————————–
B (2) ——————————————–
E (1) ——————————————–
I know that there’s a chance you wont be leaving with me
E (6) ————————————————
A (5) –5———————————————
D (4) ——5–5–5–5—7–7–7–7—————-
G (3) ————————————4–4–4–4–
B (2) ————————————————-
E (1) ————————————————-
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
E (6) ———————————–
A (5) ———————————–
D (4) ———————-7–7———
G (3) –7–5–4–5—-4—————–
B (2) ————————————-
E (1) ————————————-
and have a drink or two
E (6) —————————————————
A (5) –6————-7————–7————–7–
D (4) —–5–5–5——-4–4–4——-5–5–5——
G (3) —————————————————
B (2) —————————————————
E (1) —————————————————
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something
E (6) ——————————
A (5) ——————————
D (4) –4–4–4———-5–5—-
G (3) ————-4–2———–
B (2) ——————————
E (1) ——————————
stupid like I love you
E (6) —————————————————
A (5) –5–5——————————————–
D (4) ———-5–5–5–5–7–7–7–7—————
G (3) —————————————4–4–4–4-
B (2) —————————————————-
E (1) —————————————————-
I can see it in your eyes you still despise the same old lines
E (6) —————————————–
A (5) —————————————–
D (4) ——————–7–7—————-
G (3) –7–5–4–5–4————————
B (2) ——————————————
E (1) ——————————————
You heard the night before
E (6) ———————————————–
A (5) ————————————————
D (4) –6–7–7–7–7——————————-
G (3) ——————–4–4–4–4–6–6–6–6—
B (2) ————————————————-
E (1) ————————————————-
And thought its just a line to you. For me its true and
E (6) ——————————————-
A (5) ——————————————-
D (4) ——————————————-
G (3) ——————–7–7——————
B (2) –5–5–5–7–5————————–
E (1) ——————————————–
never seemed so right before
E (6) ————————————————-
A (5) –4–5–5–5–5——————————-
D (4) ——————–2–2–2–2—4–4–4–4–
G (3) ————————————————-
B (2) ————————————————-
E (1) ————————————————-
I practice everyday to find some clever lines to
E (6) ———————————
A (5) ————–5——————
D (4) –5–5–4——–2–2–5–4—
G (3) ———————————-
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
say to make the meaning come true
E (6) ———————————————
A (5) –5—————————————–
D (4) ——2–2–2–2–4–4–4–4–4–5–5–
G (3) ———————————————
B (2) ———————————————
E (1) ———————————————
But then I think I’ll wait until the evening gets
E (6) ———————————
A (5) ————–5——————
D (4) –4–5–4——–2–4–2——-
G (3) ———————————-
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
late and I am alone with you
E (6) ———————————————–
A (5) –5——————————————–
D (4) —–5–5–5—5–7–7–7–7—————
G (3) ———————————–4–4–4–4-
B (2) ————————————————
E (1) ————————————————
The time is right your perfume fills my head the stars
E (6) ———————————
A (5) ———————————
D (4) ———————7–7——-
G (3) –7–5–4–5—4—————
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
get red and oh the night so blue
E (6) ————————————————-
A (5) –6————–7————-7————-7–
D (4) ——5–5–5——4–4–4——-5–5–5—–
G (3) ————————————————–
B (2) ————————————————–
E (1) ————————————————–
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid
E (6) ——————————–
A (5) ——————————–
D (4) –4–4–4———-5–5——
G (3) ————-4–2————-
B (2) ——————————-
E (1) ——————————-
Like I love you
E (6) ———————————-
A (5) –5——————————-
D (4) ——5–5–5–5—7–7–7–7–
G (3) ———————————–
B (2) ———————————–
E (1) ———————————–
The time is right your perfume fills my
E (6) —————————————–
A (5) —————————————–
D (4) ———————————–7–7–
G (3) –4–4–4–4—7–5–4–5–4———
B (2) ——————————————
E (1) ——————————————
head the stars get red and oh the nights so blue
E (6) ————————————
A (5) –6————–7————–7-
D (4) ——5–5–5——-4–4–4——
G (3) ————————————
B (2) ————————————
E (1) ————————————
And then I go and spoil it all
E (6) ——————————————-
A (5) ————–7—————————-
D (4) –5–5–5——-4–4–4———–5–5–
G (3) —————————–4–2———-
B (2) ——————————————–
E (1) ——————————————–
by saying something stupid like I love you
E (6) ————————————————-
A (5) ————————————————-
D (4) ———-5–5———–5–5———–5–5–
G (3) –4–2————4–2———-4–2———-
B (2) ————————————————-
E (1) ————————————————-
I love you I love you I love you
E (6) ———————————
A (5) –6–5—————————-
D (4) ———-5———————
G (3) ———————————-
B (2) ———————————-
E (1) ———————————-
I love you